Tess Worrell, JD


Meet The Team

Tess Worrell, JD

As a mother of eight, Tess knows conflict. “When my children argue, we resolve the issue, but
my biggest role is protecting and adjusting their relationship. I do the same thing for my clients.”
At The Resolution Center, Tess works to help clients resolve disputes and redefine relationships.

As Executive Director of Indiana’s Commission for Continuing Legal Education, Tess oversaw
the implementation of court ordered mediation in Indiana. She helped develop the training
criteria for mediators, then moved to private practice, focusing primarily on family mediation.

She also educates audiences on creating healthy relationships through speaking and writing. She
frequently speaks to groups and writes for a variety of publications on relationships.

Tess works as both Mediator and Blog/Newsletter Author at The Resolution Center to help
clients find creative options that meet top priorities. She uses her extensive study of relationships
to help parties find new, healthier ways to relate to each other.

“No matter the level of hurt or anger, no matter the complexity of the issues, I truly believe we
can help. People have within themselves the expertise to make their situation better. We simply
offer the process, the education, and the support needed to tap those resources. They don’t have
to trust each other. They learn to trust themselves, and a new way of engaging. As people work
with us, they find their way through the mess to a new beginning.”